Batching Control
When multiple raw materials must be weighed and mixed in a particular proportion, there is a recipe that has to be followed for each product variant. Programming and storing these recipes and then using these recipes to control the process equipment such as feeders and weighing systems requires unique expertise. We follow International Standards such as ISA S88 and ISA S95 in implementing these systems. We can also generate various types of reports and integrate the software with the customer’s ERP / MES systems.
Heating Control
Furnaces, Ovens, Kilns – There are a wide variety of heating applications used across the industry. Manufactured products must be taken through a precise temperature profile with respect to time. As the load on the heating system varies dynamically, the energy required to maintain the time vs temperature profile has to be closely controlled. Autosys has executed some of the most complex algorithms in heating control systems to achieve consistency and reduce rejections.

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Distributed Control Systems
Imagine a large Oil and Gas Plant, a large Steel plant or a large Desalination Plant. Or an organization like ISRO. Geographically spread out over many square kilometers, there will be numerous control systems located in various parts of the plant. And these control systems must be controlled from a central control room and synchronized with each other.
These are systems with 5,000 – 10,000 or more IOs, distributed RTUs, kilometers of networking, and an architecture that needs Hot / Dual Redundancies. Some of these systems could belong to multiple vendors using different communication protocols.
We specialize in implementing large scale PLC/DCS systems for large projects. This could be a green field project, expansion, modernization, or upgrade of existing systems with latest hardware and software. Migrating or Commissioning large projects with least downtime is our specialty.